SteriPEN UV UltraLight vedenpuhdistin

SteriPEN UV UltraLight vedenpuhdistin
Kategoriat: Varaosat, lisävalot
Brand: SteriPEN
79.9 EUR 85.9 EUR

Steripen Ultralight Traveller on sopiva vedenpuhdistin matkailuun ympäri maailmaa. Steripen teknologia antaa 99,9% suojan viruksia, bakteereita ja alkueliötä vastaan. Juomaveden valmistus n. 90 sekunnissa (1L). Ei välitä veteen mitään makuja. Helppokäyttöinen. Ladattava USB portin avulla (kaapeli sisältyy toimitukseen). Paino 76 g (patterin kanssa)Mitat: 13 x 3,5 x 2,2 cm Luo käyttöohjeet huolellisesti ja noudata niitä tarkaan jolla takaat puhtaan veden käsittelyn jälkeen! The UltraLight Traveller is ideal for outdoor adventures around the world. Here the proven SteriPEN UV technology is used, which destroys all pathogens (viruses, bacteria and protozoa) in the water in just 90 seconds. So you can easily and reliably produce safe drinking water quickly and without any unpleasant aftertaste. Set the amount of water and immerse the lamp in the water. The optical sensor ensures that the UV lamp is activated by full water contact. If the indicator light is green, the process has been successfully completed. The water is completely sterile and can be drunk without hesitation. The optical sensor can also act as an LED torch, the battery can be recharged via USB.applications up to 8.000 xWeight 76 g13 x 3,5 x 2,2 cm, weight with batteryInternal lithium-ion battery, one charge is enough for approx. 20 litresIncl. USB charging cablePlease follow the instructions!